5 Ways to Tackle Hyperpigmentation and Repair Your Skin

Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition that is indicated by usually small darker patches on the skin. This occurrence is one of the signs of unhealthy skin, but it is not harmless and doesn’t lead to some complicated skin conditions. However, dark skin patches can often affect our confidence, and we tend to consider every imperfection as unappealing. The appearance of hyperpigmented areas doesn’t have to be final, and it is possible to repair your skin, even though it might not seem like it at first. In this article, we will discuss hyperpigmentation and several ways of repairing your skin.

Causes of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is characterized by the appearance of dark spots that vary in shape and color from light brown to black. These dark skin patches usually appear on face and hands, but can often appear on some other body parts as well.

It occurs due to excessive production of melanin. Melanin is the pigment which gives human skin, eyes, and hair their natural color. For example, dark-skinned people have a higher level of melanin than light-skinned people. Due to excessive production of melanin dark patches on the skin appear.

Types of hyperpigmenation

It is widely believed that all dark patches of the skin are associated with age spots. The truth is age spots are just one type of hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation has several types and some of them are:

  • Age spots – as it was mentioned above, age spots are the just type of hyperpigmentation. They are also called liver spots and usually appear as a reaction to a long-term exposure to sun’s harmful UV rays or tanning beds.
  • Melasma – is indicated by tan or brown patches usually located on person’s face. It usually occurs in pregnant women (it affects about 90% of pregnant women), and that is why it’s well-known by the name mask of pregnancy. However, men can also develop this condition.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – occurs when skin injury heals and leaves a discolored area of the skin behind. Acne sufferers are prone to this type of hyperpigmentation. Moreover, people who undergo various cosmetic procedures can develop this condition too.

NOTE: skin cancers, scars, birthmarks, solar or actinic keratoses aren’t considered as hyperpigmentation.

Factors that contribute to hyperpigmentation

Excessive production of melanin and appearance of dark patches on the skin can be influenced by several factors. For example:

  • Sun exposure – truth be told, the sun is the primary suspect for the majority of skin conditions. Even aging of the skin is accelerated by long-term sun exposure. It is also the main cause of hyperpigmentation mostly because sunlight triggers the production of melanin. When dark spots develop sunlight can exacerbate the condition even more by making melasma, age spots, freckles, and spots associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation even darker and more noticeable.
  • Hormonal influences – are the main reason for the appearance of melasma. This skin condition occurs when hormones estrogen and progesterone, stimulate the excessive production of melanin.
  • Illness – hyperpigmentation can also occur as a symptom of some autoimmune and gastrointestinal illnesses, vitamin deficiencies, and metabolic disorders.
  • Medications – appearance of dark patches on the skin can be a result of certain medications, therapies, antibiotics, treatments, etc.
  • Tattooing and henna dyes – Yes, even tattooing can lead to hyperpigmentation. Photocontact dermatitis caused by tattooing and henna dyes can cause the appearance of dark skin patches.
  • Jobs or occupations – it is assumed that jobs or occupations associated with exposure to the sun and chemicals can induce hyperpigmentation. For example, gardeners pitch or tar workers, workers in perfumeries and bakeries have a higher risk of developing this condition.

Preventing hyperpigmentation

Here are some tips that will help you prevent hyperpigmentation:

  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Use sunscreen whenever you’re going out
  • Clean your skin regularly in order to prevent acne breakouts
  • Be very cautious about what medications you use
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Hydrate throughout the day
  • Avoid junk food and opt for healthy foods instead.

Repairing skin

In order to deal with dark patches, you need the right strategy. Since various cosmetic treatments aren’t always safe and come with various side effects, the best thing to do is to use products that are designed to tackle this issue effectively. Luckily, skincare science evolved and products that fade out dark patches are available to everyone. How to choose the right product, then? The best way to choose perfect skincare product is to make sure the manufacturer is a reputable company. It’s your skin after all, and you

don’t want to apply questionable products. For example, Solvaderm Company is referred to as one of the best companies that produce skincare products. The reason is simple; all products are made according to the formula designed by world’s best dermatologists.

Moreover, positive effects on our skin, especially dark patches, of ingredients used by Solvaderm are scientifically proven and well-documented. Everything you need to know about products, ingredients, and skincare can be found on their website, which is a nice touch. Here are some products that tackle hyperpigmentation.

  • Juvabrite

Juvabrite Skin Brightening Complex is an ideal product for all people who want to brighten dark patches on their skin. Juvabrite is effective and doesn’t contain any harsh ingredients that would irritate or dry out one’s skin. The product fades out discolorations that were caused by UV rays, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, acne, and medications.

Apply a thin layer of the product on your face or another hyperpigmented area of your body after cleansing. Generally, you should use it before bedtime. However, if you want to apply for it during the day, make sure you wear sunscreen.

  • Ace-ferulic

It is a rejuvenating serum which aides in dermal restoration. The product is rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals and prevent further damage to our skin. Also, it prevents skin damage caused by UV rays and noticeably lightens hyperpigmented dark patches on your skin. Some ingredients that are used in formula for ace-ferulic are:

  • Ferulic acid – anti-aging effects
  • Vitamin C – aides in synthesis of collagen and makes skin imperfections less visible.
  • Vitamin E – inhibits developments of scars and dark patches
  • Vitamin B3 – makes melanin less noticeable.

Here’s how to use this highly effective product: wash your face or other hyperpigmented body part and pat dry (never rub towel or washcloth against your skin). Then, apply a small amount of serum with your hands and distribute it evenly. This product can be used daily (in the morning and before bedtime), and you can apply makeup over it.

  • Rejuvoderm

Rejuvoderm is a cleanser that is primarily made for people with oily skin that is prone to acne and blemishes. Among many benefits in protecting skin from acne, Rejuvoderm clears out all impurities and thoroughly exfoliates the skin in order to make it seem younger, healthier, and brighter. In order to repair your skin with this product, you have to massage a small amount on face and neck, rinse with warm water after a few minutes and pat dry your skin.

  • Suvoderm

Suvoderm is a quick-absorbing skincare product that rescues and repairs your skin without inducing any side effects. It intensively hydrates your skin and optimizes its composition in order to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Moreover, Suvoderm naturally brightens skin and fades areas of hyper-pigmentation. It is made of ingredients like Vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, Soybean oil, etc. In order to fade out dark patches on your skin, clean the affected area first, pat dry your skin and gently apply Suvoderm with your fingertips with circular motions.

  • Glow-peel

Glow-peel, an alpha-hydroxy peel is a powerful exfoliant that removes dead skin cells without causing any additional damage to your skin. The product contains numerous glow-boosting ingredients that make dark patches less noticeable. One of the ingredients of this product is a kojic acid which is a potent skin-brightener. It works by inhibiting the production of melanin. In turn, it fades out and minimizes the visibility of hyper- pigmented areas.

Repairing skin with Glow-peel is done by applying the thin layer of the product over entire face and neck after cleaning affected areas first, of course. After 1 to 3 minutes, rinse Glow-peel off with cool water. It is recommended to use this product 3 – 5 times a week.

NOTE: if you decide to apply any of these products during the day, make sure you protect your skin adequately (with sunscreen) when you want to go out.

Video : Blotchy Skin: Prevention and Treatments You Need to Know


Hyper-pigmentation can be caused by several factors but, luckily, skin can still be repaired, and dark patches can fade away. You should remember; it took a while for dark patches to appear (they didn’t show up immediately, after all) and it is going to take a while to repair the skin and make them fade away, but it is possible, and all you need is patience. Products listed in this article are made of effective ingredients and are able to fade out and minimize hyper-pigmented areas on your body successfully.


https://www.solvaderm.com/blog/skin-pigmentation-disorders.html https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/wrinkle-care/what-is-hyperpigmentation.html

Apurva Thakur

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