Why should you opt for a digital parenting solution?

This is quite a good question, and it is after all the age of digital parenting. Today in the age of technology, cell phones, smartphones, Wi-Fi and all the internet access is given to the children and teenagers alike it is hard to ensure their “online safety”, may it be porn or any other illegal social interaction. Parents today are worried sick about their children getting into bad habits, and they are looking for solutions. They are looking for solutions to have an eye on their kids so that they can monitor their moves and know about their whereabouts and know what they see on the web or what website they visit on their laptops or mobile phones. Luckily there are so many solutions available; the mobile software/apps allow the parents today to monitor their children seamlessly.

Here are a few useful software solutions, primarily set of software that can be used keep an eye on the children and keep them under the radar. With these mobile parental control apps and software, you can monitor your kids anytime from anywhere. There is so much to explore and get to know the technology.

The SMS tracker: as the name tells if you are looking forward to starting the parenting thing with as simple as SMS tracking you can get this free app for Android phones. This will work in the background after installation and will allow the user (parent) to know not just only the incoming and outgoing SMS but also calls and photos.

Life360 is yet another powerful mobile app which works on almost all the brands, Blackberry, iPhone, Android and Windows phones. The cool part is the monitoring via GPS.

MobiFlock is another app which is paid, available for Blackberry, Nokia, and Android phones. If you are trying to get ahead of your children and want to monitor their moves and mobile usage, even if you are looking to shut off their camera whenever you want or not let them use their phone or certain apps on their phone all you need is to get MobiFlock app.

TheOneSpy: being a spy parent is a good thing in today’s time. Today the kids might know that you are tracking them, but if you are looking to hide and then spy on them and monitor their devices, be a real digital parenting then you need to get this app. This software helps you be the best parent ever; you can use this to monitor your children’s Whatsapp, Viber, Yahoo chats, and more. You can even record the calls remotely and listen.

So the question stands why should you opt for all these apps and software? The reason is simple. In today’s time, no parent wants their children to be spoiled. The chances of them getting in the wrong hands are far greater than they used to be a decade ago. With the digital media all around them, they can easily get distracted with the things that are not good for them.

Apurva Thakur

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