The Top 3 Destinations For Travel Bloggers

How would you like to visit over 20 countries each year? Could you imagine seeing the world and telling your story as a living? For travel bloggers , it’s their reality. Through sponsorships, reviews, and online advertising, they are able to fund travels that take them to all corners of the world.

Today, we’ll look at how travel bloggers live this lifestyle and the top 3 destinations they wrote about in the previous year. Let’s take a look!

How Travel Bloggers See The World

People like you and me can easily become travel bloggers through hard work and perseverance. Starting a blog in today’s world is simple, but building up to a travel blog is something that requires time and patience.

These bloggers build up a strong following and an audience that follow their every trip. As they do this, they also gain the attention of companies who are looking to partner with them. In doing so, they are able to secure excellent flying options like empty leg charter flights whenever they want.

Using these connections, and the influence of their audience, they travel the world and write about the experiences, the people, and the things they see. To keep up their incredible lifestyles, they employ tactics like these:

  • They write useful content that helps other travelers
  • They’re constantly posting about new and exciting things
  • They write posts for other blogs
  • They’re always on social media

The Top 3 Travel Destinations (Chosen by Travel Bloggers)

These destinations are great for a retreat from daily life, or a place to visit when you’re looking to get away from it all. When it comes time for you to plan your next excursion, these should be the top locations on your list:

1.   Borneo

Borneo is a unique slice of paradise in the form of an island. There’s an amazing variety of animal life and culture that can’t be found anywhere else. The jungles are some of the most secluded and beautiful ones that the world can offer.

It is truly an incredible place. Here are some facts about Borneo:

  • Borneo isn’t a country at all, it’s an island. It’s controlled by three different countries: Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia
  • Half of the world’s timber comes from Borneo
  • There are over 200 ethnic groups in Borneo
  • Borneo is over twice the size of Germany
  • During the last decade, 360 new species have been discovered here
  • Borneo is home to over 15,000 different plant species.

2.   Isle of Skye, Scotland

The isle of Skye is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It’s name comes from a Viking reference to the way the mist envelopes Cuillin Hills. It translates to “Cloud island” and is the second-largest of Scotland’s islands.

The scenery is the primary reason why people visit this amazing place. There are also multiple castles rich with history, pubs and restaurants to visit as well. Here, you’ll also find Edinburgh, Loch Ness, and Skye itself, which are the top three destinations to visit in Scotland. You’ll find plenty of things to see and do here, along with some incredible opportunities for hiking.

3.   South Africa

South Africa is another excellent destination for travelers and bloggers alike. Specifically, Cape Town is something to behold. The white beaches, excellent climate, and beautiful scenery make it a must-see.

Here are some other reasons to visit this part of the world:

  • You can spot whales from the coast
  • If you can afford it, it has one of the best train trips in the world known as the Blue Train route
  • There are incredible vistas, like the Valley of Desolation
  • The beaches are incredible beaches

Final Thoughts

These are the best options for your next excursion, chosen by travel bloggers themselves. Which one is your favorite? Have you been to any of these places? Let us know in the comments!

Apurva Thakur

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