First impressions count, and a fantastic smile is one way to ensure you leave a good first impression. If you are not blessed with naturally white, straight teeth, you may find it difficult to use your smile to its full potential and may be reluctant to smile at all. Discover how you can correct those imperfections and have the smile you have always wanted with the help of your local dentist.
Forget images of metal wires strapped to your teeth for a year or more and embrace the thought of almost invisible removable aligners. When you have crooked teeth, you can become very aware of their appearance and yearn for straighter teeth. Clear aligners correct the position of your teeth in around three to six months, depending on the treatment each individual requires. Contemporary aligners are discreet and convenient while being extremely effective.
Visit your dental hygienist
Stained teeth may only require a rigorous clean by a dental professional. Make an appointment to have your teeth thoroughly cleaned to ascertain if this could make the difference you desire. Should your teeth remain discoloured, consider teeth whitening treatment and ask for further information about any services available at your dental clinic.
Teeth whitening
You may have already tried over-the-counter whitening products and realise that they are having little or no impact on the colour of your teeth. For the best results it is advisable to visit your local cosmetic dental clinic where a dental professional will provide longer-lasting teeth whitening treatments. This can include applying the treatment in clinic and giving you products to take away and use or administering a top-up treatment such as annual whitening.
Bonded to your teeth, veneers are a fantastic option for crooked, cracked or discoloured teeth. Made from porcelain, ceramic, or composite materials, veneers can last for several years and should be cared for in the same way one would look after one’s teeth. The application of veneers is a procedure that can be done in just a few appointments and some private clinics allow patients to spread the cost over several months to make it an affordable option.
Dental implants
Missing teeth because of decay or from being involved in an accident can have a huge impact on a person’s self-esteem. Fortunately, dental implants and prosthetics can replace natural teeth leaving patients with something to fantastic smile about. An implant is placed into your gum and secured to the bone and a prosthetic tooth is then attached to this. Dental implants and prosthetics last for many years and act and look just like natural teeth. Those that fear this could be a painful procedure will be delighted to know that sedation dentistry is available in many cases, including when a patient is fearful about the procedure. As with all cosmetic dentistry procedures, ensure you select a reputable clinic with professionals who will be completely transparent about actual cost, care, and the length of time it will take to see results.