Is there more than one type of Invisalign brace? – orthodontic

orthodontic – one type of Invisalign brace Four common subsets used in dentistry today

Variety is always a good thing, especially when it comes to cosmetic dental (orthodontic) options!

A few years back, when most people heard the word ‘brace’, they would instantly picture a traditional set of orthodontic aligners.

So, it should come as no surprise that when dental professionals would recommend this treatment to either adults or children, the majority were less than eager to oblige.

Fast forward to the early 2000s and the use of invisible braces in cosmetic dentistry became more commonplace, allowing people to straighten mild to moderate misalignments discreetly and in record time!

Of course, the world-famous Invisalign aligner in Weybridge had its own limitations; it wasn’t suited to treating more complex dental issues and could not be used with children.

Fast forward again to 2020, and the Invisalign brace near Weybridge has evolved into a range of different braces, each one targeted to a specific group of dental patients and orthodontic issues.

So, before you decide that your teeth are too misaligned to be helped with Invisalign, read about the four different types that are now available!


This type of invisible brace is the most commonly used in dental surgeries.

It is also the most viable alternative to traditional orthodontic aligners and can help correct an array of orthodontic issues, from overbites to protrusions and even gaps.

This aligner is also suited to correcting more severe misalignments and may be used in conjunction with traditional and fitted braces.

Treatment with the Invisalign Full brace from Weybridge will typically take around six months to complete and will be followed by a retainer to keep your teeth in place.


If you only need a minor correction, then the Full invisible brace is unlikely to be beneficial to your teeth.

As the name suggests, the Lite version of this brace is suited for people who may have worn braces as a teenager, but who are experiencing movement in their teeth.

It may also be used after treatment with the traditional Full brace.

Similar to the Invisalign Full brace, treatment with the Lite aligner usually takes up to six months but it typically does not come with more than ten aligners to complete the realigning.

orthodontic – i7 invisalign

OK, so this brace sounds more like the next generation of smartphone, but there is a reason for the odd name.

As mentioned earlier with the Lite brace, the amount of aligners that you wear throughout the course of your treatment is an indicator of how severe your misalignment may be.

So, while the Invisalign Full brace set often contains over twenty aligners.

The Lite set never contains more than ten, the i7 set only comes with seven.

Once again, this corrects minor issues with aligning and is usually completed in under six months.

Teen As the name suggests, this brace is suited for teenagers over the age of fourteen.

Once again, treatment can take up to six months

Also should only be given to teenagers who can commit to wearing a removable brace correctly.

Apurva Thakur

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