How to overcome the getting-used-to braces period quickly

No matter what the type of dental device chosen to correct teeth positioning, there is no getting away from the initial period of adjustment to having a foreign object in one’s mouth. This period of adjustment can last for a few days to a patient having to endure the ‘strange sensation’ for a bit longer. The symptoms of discomfort and the challenges of wearing a dental appliance depend on the patient.  Some of the more commonly experienced challenges are quite uncomfortable

  • A sore mouth
  • Dental appliances such as aligner trays may initially irritate the inside of cheeks.
  • Increased risk of developing mouth ulcers.
  • Incorporating recommended lifestyle habits (avoiding smoking, being stricter about oral hygiene, care for aligner trays and diet).

How to survive the initial adjustment period when wearing braces

As exciting as it is to think about the end result of orthodontic treatment, there is much for the patient to factor in from the time the dental device is first inserted, up to the last week of treatment. These challenges exist whether a patient has to wear a fixed metal device or clear braces in Beaconsfield. The former type cannot be removed until treatment has successfully been completed and the later has to be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day – there is no negotiating on this essential or else treatment duration and outcome results are put at risk. How are the challenges to wearing braces to be overcome? The following tips have been found to be incredibly useful:

Use dental wax to minimise a sore tongue

Some patients may find the sharp edges in fixed braces and removable aligner trays (every time you have to wear a new tray) irritate the tongue. A quick and easy fix to this problem is the use of dental wax – a small pinch can be applied to those areas that are a source of the discomfort.

Don’t ignore the pain or discomfort

It is only normal for a patient to experience a bit of pain or discomfort when first having to wear teeth positioning devices. Fortunately there are techniques that can minimise this discomfort. One beneficial technique is to practice chewing as the motion acts in a similar way to that of massage and stimulates blood flow. Improved blood flow minimises discomfort and helps in the mouth in adjusting to the trays quicker. If pain is severe, speak to a dental practitioner about the use of prescriptive medication.

Try not to cheat

It can be tempting to remove braces unnecessarily but this is a no-no. It may also be tempting to skip brushing teeth before going to bed, but the dangers posed are too great to risk it.

The benefits of the teeth correcting treatment are numerous and include improved oral health in the long-term, provided the patient plays their part –  and a boost in confidence and self-esteem.

Straightening teeth is a process where a patient’s commitment to seeing it through is mandatory. A successful treatment plan is not possible without it. For more questions or concerns about how to manage wearing a dental appliance, patients should contact their dental clinic.

Apurva Thakur

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