What and why would I choose to have Invisalign in Luton

Despite common misconceptions, Invisalign is actually the brand name for one type of clear aligner and there are several other providers for this clear aligner form of orthodontics. Clear aligners are transparent, which is one reason for their increasing popularity. Clear aligners are a more discreet form of orthodontics, and may be more popular with individuals who do not want to feel self-conscious whilst undergoing treatment. People who suffer from low self-confidence may not wish to undergo obvious orthodontics (such as traditional metal braces).

Individuals who may consider using this form of orthodontics may suffer from misaligned or crooked teeth, or an over or underbite. Invisalign could be argued as being the largest provider of clear aligners, and this type of aligner is virtually invisible, meaning it is extremely aesthetically pleasing. People who may decide to use clear aligners may wish for rapid results, without having dental treatment which is obvious to the casual observer.

How does Invisalign work?

All forms of orthodontics aim for the same result; straighter and more aesthetically pleasing teeth. Despite all forms of braces aiming for the same result, they may do so in varying ways. Clear aligners work by using pressure points built into them, slowly encouraging the teeth to move in a certain direction, resulting in straighter teeth.

The Invisalign process

In terms of the process for clear aligners, individuals will start with an initial consultation. During this they will be advised which orthodontic treatment may be suitable for them (depending on the severity of their dental case, as well as their financial position). Once clear aligners have been agreed as the best option (maybe due to their transparency) the dental health care professional will take impressions of the patient’s teeth, for their first set of clear aligner trays. In terms of the way in which clear aligners alter the direction of the teeth, the trays are replaced every several weeks in order to adjust and straighten the position of the teeth.

A patient’s dentist will track the position of the teeth on a computer system, creating the clear aligner trays before the treatment process commences, drastically reducing the number of dental visits required.

How much do clear aligners cost?

Despite common misconception, Invisalign (or other providers of clear aligners) may not be as expensive as individuals believe, and finance options may be available. The costs of clear aligners vary greatly due to the severity of each individual case, as well as the dental clinic patients choose. Although alternative orthodontic options may cost less, clear aligners are extremely discreet, hence their popularity.

Nervous patients Individuals who experience anxiety when undergoing dental or orthodontic treatments may have experienced negative situations as a child, which have unfortunately been carried into adulthood. Irrational fear of the dentist (also commonly referred to as dental phobia) is extremely common and many dental clinics have numerous ways to ease the fears of nervous patients. The use of Invisalign to straighten teeth is a minimally invasive treatment even down to the taking of impressions and should cause no anxiety whatsoever.

Apurva Thakur

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