10 Time-Saving Beauty Tricks for Uni Students

Being at university, there is something constantly going on: beauty tricks, places to be, friends to make, people to meet and fun to be had. At the same time, we all want to look our best, at such an important time, where impressions are lasting – and we also want to feel good and strut our stuff.

But where is the time to look this good?

Juggling studies with a hectic social life is no mean feat, and alongside visiting friends and family, society involvement, and other commitments – finding time to not look like you’ve just rolled out of bed (which you may well have done) is tricky. That’s why we’re here to help!

With these 10 slick beauty tricks you’ll be able to rock up with a rocking style, no matter how little time you have.

  1. Strip back: Strip back your make up and just apply the essentials – rather than every product under the sun!A sweep of mascara, a dab of concealer where needed, lipstick or balm that you can swap out for a darker lipstick for an instant evening look. Two minutes of work and less makeup used means less strain on the (already tight) student wallet.Having a black eyeliner handy for later with your lipstick can help you go from natural day beauty to evening glamour in another couple of minutes!
  2. Dry shampoo (or baby powder!):Let’s face it; You’re not supposed to wash your hair every day anyway right? Yes, dry shampoo can be a life saver, not only adding volume, but saving you that extra 10 minutes in bed before your lecture. Snooze on.
  3. Student deals: Sign up to them all! You never know when they’ll be giving out free makeup, deals on your favourite products or brands, so you can save money and save time shopping, perusing for the best and most reasonable foundations, or moisturizers or face washes.
  4. Superglue to the rescue: Broke a nail? Before you snap it off (yes! You there, stop!) dab on some superglue over the tear. Buff gently, then repeat a couple of times before painting over a layer of your favourite polish.
  5. Fastest hair drying: To dry your hair the fastest way possible, wrap your hair in a towel while applying makeup or getting ready to soak up excess water, then blow dry starting with the layers underneath first, then work your way outwards. Flipping your hair upside down can help – and add extra volume!
  6. Slimline the make up bag: When you’ve got to get to class any minute, you can’t be dealing with having to root around your makeup bag for the vital bits you need for the day. Instead slimline your makeup bag so you only have the essentials and take it with. Other, less used items can live at home in a drawer. Alternatively, buy a double of some of the essentials and keep them in your bag at all times – less movement means less faff and less chance of something getting lost! (or you leaving home without it!) Organising your gear so that it’s all handy by the mirror can also save valuable time in the morning than having to root around everywhere.
  7. Versatility! Use products that can be used for multiple things, to save time as well as money! BB cream is of course a mouisturiser as well as a foundation, saving you time and effort and delivering a radiant and healthy look. Brown eyeliners can be used for eyes as well as dabbed and smudged for brows.
  8. Nail the messy bun (or your own quick hair-do): The messy bun is a staple, and can be mastered after a few good tries. All you need is patience, a bobble and a handful of bobby pins. Alternatively, since everyone’s hair is different and works differently, find your own staple hair-do. Most things don’t have to take that long. Hairbands, bobby pins, plaits can offer a quick solution to create a cool, and stylish hairstyle in minutes without hours   of straightening or tonging. Eg. Plait your fring around the side of your head and pin some volume to create a voluptuous down-do, or slick up do if you choose to go for a pony tail.
  9. Speedy shave: Run out of shower gel? Conditioner does the job just as well. Mm. Moisturized.
  10. Quick dry nails: If you don’t have time for your nails to dry, run them under a cold tap for 3 minutes. The temperature helps to harden the nail varnish so you can be good to go in a flash!

We hope these beauty tricks save you as much time as they did our uni students in our halls in Birmingham! Time, hassle and pennies spared – time and time again!

Apurva Thakur

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