Why should include jumping in your daily exercise schedule?

We all want to remain fit and fine. We also want exercise schedule and healthy as we could possibly be . Most of us don’t take chances when it comes to health as we know the consequences from any ignorance on this front.

Likewise, not all of us like hitting the gym to maintain peak fitness. We rather look for exercises or workouts that are simple and easy to do. We want something that can be done anytime and anywhere.

This is where we take to jumping – probably the simplest and easiest exercises known to the mankind. What’s more, it’s probably the best workout invented by the mankind, as many studies have proved over the years, including the one from the NASA.

You should know that –

Jumping is some three-times more beneficial than your regular jogging or running

Your lymph flow goes up by 15-2- times when you jump regularly

All the body muscles come into play when you jump

We can clearly see how a simple exercise schedule like jumping can benefit the body in so many ways. In addition –

Jumping does not require any equipment

It’s a fun exercise

You can do it at any time of the day

It can be fit into your regular workout schedules to double the impact

Health benefits of jumping

Jumping is a wonderful way to keep your fit. It beings a whole host of health benefits as well to help you lead a disease-free and rewarding life. Those benefits include –

#1    Lowers stress and combats depression

Including jumping in your regular exercise schedule is a sure-shot way of lowering your stress and combating depression in an easy manner. Such benefits are available as jumps let nervous system is stabilized. This results in the release of serotonin which is as helpful as doing yoga.

#2    Boosts your immunity system

Jumping helps boost the flow of the lymph in the body. Which means, toxins are thrown out of the system and this has a positive effect on the immune system. And when the immune system is strengthened, one is then less likely to be infected by diseases and illnesses.

#3    Reduces body fat

Jumping is quite beneficial for those plagued with body fat. It’s extensively used by people to tackle their weight problems. Which means, you can jump regularly and get rid of pounds of those stubborn flash that earlier failed to yield. You also cut down the risks of diabetes.

#4    Normalize the blood pressure

Any irregularity with the blood pressure leads to a range of problems in the body. With jumping, you can normalize the BP and prevent many cardiovascular diseases. More so, you can also give your heart the much-desired aerobic effect.

#5    Helps circulate more oxygen in the body

Jumping makes one feel more energetic and animated. It lets people get oxygen therapy with a boost in the breathing capacity. Which means, you can circulate more oxygen in the body and feel spirited at all times.

#6    Increases mental performance

People who jump regularly experience a boost to their mental performance than those who not. This also leads to shaper learning process. This happens for the reason that jumping makes one happy and animated and with that, the grasping power of the mind goes up.

#7    Keeps you free from usual fatigues

Jumping on a regular basis means staying away from those regular bouts of fatigues that troubled you a lot. It also brings relief from pains of the neck, back, headache and others. It not only increases bone density but also helps in prevention of arthritis.


In a way, jumping has many benefits and you should make it a regular part of your daily workouts.

Apurva Thakur

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