The Importance of High Quality Web Content

Content marketing is quickly becoming one of the most popular marketing concepts, which means that in the future, companies will need to invest more time and money in creating high quality web content. Until recently, the biggest share of money companies have invested in their websites went to improving design and UX segments. Today, these website segments are still very important, but entrepreneurs realize that good-quality content is something that will maintain a constant visitor flow.

One of the main reasons why many companies today turn their websites into online magazines, is because presentations with top content receive much higher search engine rankings. This also makes websites more visible and enables them to attract more customers.

Internet users today have very a limited amount of time, which they tend to spread over many interesting websites. You also need to take into consideration the amount of time people spend on Facebook, and if you manage to shift their attention even for 10 or 20 minutes, you will be able to present them the products or services your company has to offer.

Content needs to be original

Content needs to be original. That is one of the main requirements for making your website likable to both visitors, as well as search engine crawlers. By illegally placing copyrighted content on your web page without the creator’s permission, you put your website at risk. It can get penalized by Google, and you can be sued by the content creators.

There are various types of content

Most people think that quality web content strictly stands for articles. Although articles prevail over other types of content, you can use various forms and media in order to transfer interesting and useful information to your audience. These are some of the non-textual forms of quality web content:

  • Photos– Photo is a great way to engage the audience on your website, as well as on social media. Pastry shops should share cake photos, car dealers should share photos of cars, etc.
  • Videos– Video has become more popular recently. You can shoot various types of videos, from short how-to videos to feature-length movies.
  • eBooks– although this is also textual content, it is used in completely different way. eBooks are posted on websites and can be downloaded by users, for a certain price or free of charge.
  • Infographics– They are able to combine good-looking graphics and useful information, which is why infographics are great for engaging visitors.
  • Podcasts– A series of digital audio files that are shared on a website. Podcasts should discuss various niche specific topics.
  • Streaming– A new type of content popularized by apps like Periscope, which allows us to stream various important events.

Posting frequency

Many website or blog administrators publish a few posts and then abandon their project for a couple of months. This way, you will never be able to use all the benefits that content marketing brings. Search engines like websites that are regularly updated, and it is very important for your followers to know when you are going to post, in order to develop a habit of reading/watching/listening to what you have to say.

Keywords, meta and other SEO stuff

The textual content that you are posting needs to be optimized for search engines, which means it needs to include keywords, especially in important parts of the articles, like: titles, headings, excerpts, introductory paragraphs and photo’s alt tags. This allows search engine crawlers to read your article in the right way and to rank it appropriately for specific keywords.

How to get content

Content creation can be a huge drag, especially for individuals who are more into web- design and code. Articles and other types of content made by company experts produce the highest engagement rates, but if you don’t have the time or the will for elaborate writing and content management, you can always hire professional content creators who can do it for you.

Corporate websites will quickly turn into online mags and this will create a constant influx of visitors. Of course, having a lot of visitors on your website won’t automatically make it more lucrative. This can be done by increasing website conversion. This should also be integrated in a website’s content strategy, which represents a marketing plan with defined timing for content creation, delivery and management.

Apurva Thakur

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